American Association of Plastic Surgeons
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About AAPS

The American Association of Plastic Surgeons, founded in 1921, is the oldest organized Plastic Surgery organization in the world.
Its Annual Meeting is the academic highlight of our specialty.

Mission Statement:

Leadership and Innovation in Academic Plastic Surgery

The core values of the Association include

Scholarship  |  Education  |  Clinical Excellence  |  Ethics  |  Diversity  |  Mentorship  |  Fellowship  |  Advocacy for Plastic Surgery

Constitution & By-Laws


AAPS 100 Year History

Past Presidents

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1921 – 1996
History of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons, 1921-1996
History of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons, 1921-1996

Peter Randall, M.D., Joseph G. McCarthy, M.D., and R. Christie Wray, M.D.

The 75th Anniversary of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons, "the oldest plastic surgical society in existence," is a fitting time for review and reflection. The task, however, is somewhat daunting in that there are several published histories of the organization...
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1921 – 2021
History of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons, 1921-1996
Centennial History of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons,
The Impact on Plastic Surgery, 1921-2021

Arun K. Gosain, MD

American Association of Plastic Surgeons

The American Association of Plastic Surgeons, founded in 1921, is the oldest organized Plastic Surgery organization in the world. Its Annual Meeting is the academic highlight of... [ more ]

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500 Cummings Center, Suite 4400, Beverly, MA 01915 500 Cummings Center
Suite 4400
Beverly, MA 01915
+1 978-927-8330 +1 978-927-8330
+1 978-524-0498 +1 978-524-0498
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